
Lost Wages for Anti-racism Postal Workers


Canada Post employees in Regina, Saskatchewan took an important stand against racism by refusing to deliver the harmful hate speech of the Epoch Times. Labelled by Canada Post as a "flyer", this newspaper, which is sold alongside other newspapers in stores, promotes anti-Chinese racism, and other baseless accusations. They have spread Q-anon and anti-vaccine conspiracy theories and misinformation. They promote Trump and other far-right politicians, and helped push the narrative that the election was stolen from Trump by producing an hour and a half long video full of misinformation.
In return for refusing to deliver this racist propaganda, they received suspensions of varying lengths, and their jobs threatened. This fundraiser is to cover these lost wages, and funds will be distributed to the employees affected by this. They should not have to take such a financial hit in these already hard times, just for standing up for what's right. In Canada, we have Freedom of Expression, but hate speech is not protected. Nor should it be delivered to our mailboxes by our national postal service.
In the words of one of the mail carriers:
"There is a piece of propaganda that is currently being delivered as a “flyer,” which it is not. The name of this publication is the Epoch Times. This hateful propaganda is published by a group of individuals that are anti-Chinese, and anti-communist. Now the headlines of the articles printed in this newspaper, not actually a flyer, have a very hateful content towards Chinese people without any facts or evidence. 
I recently refused to deliver these pieces of hate mail that would have a negative and divisive effect on whoever should read it. 
I have experienced racism and many forms of hate because I am first generation Canadian born to socialist refugees from Chile. 
I don’t know the objective of printing this document based on lies that to me have no purpose but to fuel hate. 
Please consider bringing this to light and helping me in my cause. These forms of propaganda have been used before in history and have always fuelled verbal and physical hostility toward marginalized people.  Publications like this put the safety of the target groups at risk."



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